How to Run Faster Fox in Firefox 3 and above version !

Written on 4:06 AM by Rahul Mathur

Hello Humanoids . When Firefox got updated to Firefox 3 and then later Firefox 3.0.1 i used to take care if all my addons were updated , but the only addon which never got updated was Faster Fox , one of he most popular and widely used addon with Firefox 1.5 - Firefox 2.0 , but sadly the developer never gave us an update , thus people had to remove it since they cant afford to wait for an addon and not update their web browser !

I was desperately looking for a way to find out how to Run Faster Fox in Firefox 3.0.1 (which is the current version , if you haven't updated then please do so),.
but wasn't successful . So i decided to find out a way myself and to my delight it was successful !

Here is how you can do it in few steps , just keep following closely :

Go to the Faster Fox Website   and you will see something like the image below :

  • Instead of Clicking on it , right click and click on Save Link  As and it shall be included in your Firefox Download Window

  • Now Right click after it finishes installing and select   Open Containing Folder Option .

  • This will lead you to the file , now you need a software for Unzipping such as  Winzip , 7zip or Winrar . In this case we shall use Winrar  .

  • Right Click on the File  which will be named as  faster-fox-2.0.0-fx.xpi  and select  " Add to faster-fox-2.0.0-fx.xpi.rar "  option .

  • Now  go to the .rar folder named as  " Add to faster-fox-2.0.0-fx.xpi.rar "  and right click on the folder and then select the option Open .

  • This will Lead you to the Winrar Interface . You will see the faster-fox-2.0.0-fx.xpi  file on the Winrar page and all you have to do this right click on it and  select View option .

  • Now you shall notice few files  like the image below :

  • Double Click  on the  file  named as  " install.rdf "  and if you get it on a Notepad File try redirecting it to the WordPad since you won't be able to edit it in a Notepad File .

  • Now go to the bottom of the file in Wordpad and you shall the following code at the bottom  :

See the Arrow   :  Replace   <"em:maxVersion>2.0.0.*<"/em:maxVersion>


Note  - If you are Using Firefox 3.0.0  , then replace the code by :  <"em:maxVersion>3.0.0.*<"/em:maxVersion>

Update -  The code has been updated , and the readers can change the 2.0.0 to whatever version will be upcoming up , for example for Firefox Version 3.0.5 :  change the 2.0.0 to 3.0.5 , simple !

Note -  Remove the inverted commas please from the inside of the tag.

  • Just save the file and   a window shall appear  :

  • Just click on Yes   and then Press the Backspace from your Keyboard and you shall be back to the place where you started !

  • Now drag  Firefox-2.0.0-fx file from Winrar Interface itself  by pressing left Mouse button to your Firefox window  and click on install . 

Faster Fox is now compatible and Running on your Firefox !

I wrote this tutorial in a very easy to understand manner hence everybody can grasp it effectively !

I hope this helps you !  If you still have any problem ? Just insert it in the comment box !

Take care,

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  1. Anonymous |

    why not upload your edited copy? :P

    I guess its safe since the software is under GPL

  2. Anonymous |

    I could have done that , but people would have doubted my method and hack , hence with this post people can do this themselves without any worries ;D

  3. Anonymous |

    NIce blog vist mine too
    for free onternet phone calls

  4. Anonymous |

    Great! It Works!

  5. Anonymous |

    Unfortunately I did not get this working on my computer.
    When saving the file after changing the path in wordpad, the tool box as shown "update the file in the archive" never appeared.
    So when reopening the file the changes was not saved/updated but set back to version 2.0.0. again.

    Any suggestions?

    I am updated with the 3.0.3 version of the Firefox browser


    Mr. Brown

  6. Anonymous |

    Thanks for the info but it didn't work, For some reason entering: <"em:maxVersion>3.0.1.*<"/em:maxVersion> did not make it work so I did <"em:maxVersion>3.0.3.*<"/em:maxVersion> and now it works perfectly.

  7. Anonymous |

    errr, how to redirect it to Wordpad? :O

  8. Anonymous |

    a better way to edit the file is using <"em:maxVersion>3.0.*<"/em:maxVersion> or even better, <"em:maxVersion>3.*<"/em:maxVersion>

    That way you can be sure that you won't need to edit the file every time your FF gets updated. Not that this will guarantee the extension to work on future versions.

  9. Anonymous |

    @ oliver : I am glad it worked for you :]

  10. Anonymous |

    @Mr Brown : Maybe you din't edit the file otherwise there is no way it wouldn't have asked for the saving option .

    Please try again and tell me your procedure in details

  11. Anonymous |

    Anonymous said , Thanks for the info but it didn't work, For some reason entering: <"em:maxVersion>3.0.1.*<"/em:maxVersion> did not make it work so I did <"em:maxVersion>3.0.3.*<"/em:maxVersion> and now it works perfectly.

    My reply ,

    Thats because the post was written when Firefox 3.0.1 was there , i have updated the code , Glad to see it worked !

  12. Anonymous |

    Anonymous said ,

    a better way to edit the file is using <"em:maxVersion>3.0.*<"/em:maxVersion> or even better, <"em:maxVersion>3.*<"/em:maxVersion>

    That way you can be sure that you won't need to edit the file every time your FF gets updated. Not that this will guarantee the extension to work on future versions.

    My reply ,

    Ah , even i did think of that but i gave up the idea coz when Firefox 4 comes out , one day or the other you have to open the wordpad and follow this procedure my friend :)

  13. Anonymous |

    I already try the procedure, but still not work in my computer..
    it still show "Fasterfox 2.0.0 could not be installed because it is not compatible with Firefox 3.0.3."
    can you help me rahul?

  14. Anonymous |

    Bahhhhhhhhh :'7( I cant change to 3.03!! I can't even delete! Please do help me!!!

  15. Anonymous |

    I opened in Word Pad but its coming differently with codes like w!ª¥ümQ럐!!! What can I do? PLease help.. :7)

  16. Anonymous |

    @wiyokto : As your error suggests i request you to re do it , since this error could only come up when you havn't updated the archive . Did u update the archive by changing it to 3.03 ? And after that you must have go the option to update the file in archive and then you must have been asked to update the fasterfox.xpi ,etc and remember to drag the file straight to your web browser , try this again !

    And reply for further queries !

  17. Anonymous |

    Mr rox : Your error seems to arise due to your personal error . What you might be doing is that you straight away went to double clicking on fasterfox.xpi file instead you have to right click , view file and then follow my comment above !

    Drop in for more queries :]

  18. Anonymous |

    Thanks for the awesome information this worked like a charm

  19. Anonymous |

    Thanks bodnapa : I am glad you found it " awesome " enough ;)

  20. Anonymous |

    should work for all. or you'll find the plugin broken when you update to a newer version.

  21. Anonymous |

    Yep even i did think of that and so did another commenter , but :

    " Ah , even i did think of that but i gave up the idea coz when Firefox 4 comes out , one day or the other you have to open the wordpad and follow this procedure my friend :) "

  22. Anonymous |

    Hello again,

    I have now tried the tutorial several times, but no success.
    the problem is as posted earlier, when I choose the save option in wordpad after editing the file nothing happens. I have also tried "save as" option, but changes are still not saved.
    When I then x-out the wordpad I get the message box. "do you wish to save changes"
    I choose yes, but the file is still the same when I try to re-open it or drag it in to the browser.
    The winrar program nore the wordpad never asks me if I want to update the archive as mentioned in tutorial.
    I give up.... :(

    Mr. Brown

  23. Anonymous |

    Mr brown , i shall make a video for you on how to do it , and yes i will put it on my blog on 13th , since i am busy with studies till 13 th .

    Please have patience and never give up ;)

  24. Anonymous |

    Do I remove the < as directed?

  25. Anonymous |

    thanks Rahul Mather!
    its been forever since i have
    been able to use Fasterfox.

    would that work?

  26. Anonymous |

    I am glad it worked for you :)

    @ your p.s - Nope it wont work , you need a numeral suggesting the version of faster !

  27. Anonymous |

    hi rahul mathur

    i have firefox 3.0.3,i would to install faster to this version which i have.

    i found it ,a little bit complicated to adjust fasterfox to make firefox faster to load.

    can you please tell me if is there easier tweak to adjust fasterfox, to load faster.

    i hope to hear from you very soon
    thank you

  28. Anonymous |

    Thanks. Very clear instructions. Worked first time.

  29. Anonymous |

    An easier way to do it is just to right-click the .xpi, Open > Select Program from a list, and choose just about any archiving program that you might have installed. This will get you right into the .xpi contents, where you can edit the necessary file.


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