Beijing : Mission Successful ! Watch the Closing Ceremony !

Written on 11:04 PM by Rahul Mathur

Hello humanoids . I must say job well done China ! A breathtaking opening ceremony and now a marvelous closing ceremony . The ceremony started with fireworks , the Premier of China was there and so was their special guest : The IOA president . The ceremony was was pretty calm and composed . They had various formations and every dance had a meaning : it either depicted a story or had a read life influence . The most attractive part was the use of lights , brilliant !

Then came the Olympians , i.e. the athletes,etc , waving their flags proudly , they would look back when they prepared for the Beijing Olympics and when it is over they would surely be proud of themselves .

Lastly but not the least they had a song " Beijing , Beijing " , people were hanging in air , and special appearance was made by Jackie Chan who sang a song to my utter surprise :O There were few more singers who were definitely unknown to me but they did sing well actually .

And not to forget the last part of closing ceremony , the torch was handed to London as they will hold the next olympics in 2012 . The people from London were : David Beckham who came on a double decker bus ( this is how we call a bus which has another floor here in India ) , and as far as i know he even did kick a ball and i came to know the David Beckham is more famous than any other star or celeb in China , then there was Leona Lewis singing here way through, and so were the Led Zeppelin legend and the guitar lord Page were present too .

So that was a brieft summary of the Closing Ceremony , the people of Chine deserve a round of applause for whatever they have done to achieve such a successful Olympic game .

Now lets see how London prepares itself till 2012 , Good luck London !

Ah , i forgot about the main part .

Those who missed the closing ceremony and don't trust the description i wrote above can see the video below :

UPDATE : The video has been updated and for your information this is the official Youtube Closing Ceremony Video :

Embedding courtesy of Dintillion

Zai jian ( Zai jian means " Bye " in English ;)

Take care,

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1 Comment

  1. Anonymous |

    great closing ceremony. Very beautiful although I am not really happy with the opening ceremony where they used fake fireworks and old videos for those watching via TV.


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