Bloggers just can't be bored with Internet !
Written on 2:21 AM by Rahul Mathur
Hello humanoids . I am a blogger myself , but i dont blog such frequently but still i am a blogger so i know how much we owe to the person who invented Internet * Me does the Hail Dance * . I have been an internet addict a year back ( Not a serious addict but sitting 6 to 7 hours daily on the Internet does make me a kinda addict fellow ) . I used to be on IRC , i used to make Icons ( which i bet crossed 100,000 mark ) for Rocket Dock , used to make Mirc scripts and i used to be on forums and what not ! * Sigh * But i realized in the end that there is a life besides the virtual life and yeah i restricted myself to 2 hours a day . The main reason was : Studies (!)
But now , I rarely sit on the internet thanks to my studies . I go to school and come back after 6 hours . Then , coaching - 4 hours plus an hour of transport then homework and ofcourse tension and pressure ! That's the main reason why i am not on the internet so often :(
I know tons of people who are pro blogger . Some of them include Jack , Jai , and tons more on BlogCatalog ! And they dont feel shy to admit that they are an internet addict . Well , those successful guys do lots of useful stuffs on the internet . Some of us dont ( ehm..) .
And yeah finally , i found a perfect image to conclude my post . This is totally dedicated to the bloggers who try to post as soon as possible and yeah they cant never be Bored of the almighty Internet :}
Are you too a blogger and people shout aloud " STAY AWAY FROM THE INTERNET " , then my friend , this article is surely for you !
Take care,