Hello humanoids . So fellas , how was the month of July for you ? Some must have gained , some lost , some got surprised and some thought of this " So what do you expect from the month of August " and thankfully for him/her i plan to fulfill his/her wishes ! Presenting yet another futuristic post ;)
So like always , here are the list of things you need to watch out for in Music , Movies and of course Video Games !
So here is the complete list :
Music related upcoming songs or albums :
5 August
Joseph Arthur All You Need Is Nothing
Closure In Moscow The Penance & The Patience EP
Faint Fasciinatiion
Ernie Halter Starting Over
Hawthorne Heights Fragile Future
LL Cool JExit 13
Mike Mangione Tenebrae
Heidi Newfield What Am I Waiting For
Randy Newman Randy Newman
Ne-Yo Year of the Gentleman
Conor Oberst Conor Oberst
There For Tomorrorw There For Tomorrow EP
8 August Friday
Fear and the Nervous System [Title TBA]
Sunny Day Sets Fire Summer Palace
12 August Tuesday
Bigelf Cheat the Gallows
Zach Hill Astrological Straits
Jonas Brothers A Little Bit Longer
Ben Weaver The Axe and the Oak
18 August Monday
David Byrne and Brian Eno Everything That Happens Will Happen Today digital release
19 August Tuesday
Strawberry Weed Caesars
Earth To the Dandy Warhols The Dandy Warhols
Fiery Furnaces Remember
Juliana Hatfield How to Walk Away
Human Highway Moody Motorcycle
Lykke Li Youth Novels
MakeUpBreakUp We Prefer Not To... EP
Perhapst Perhapst
Nelly Brass Knuckles
Staind The Illusion of Progress
Starling Electric Clouded Staircase
Straight Line Stitch [Title TBA]
System and Station A Nation of Actors
T.I. Paper Trail
The Verve Forth
The Walkmen You And Me
26 August Tuesday
Blues Traveler North Hollywood Shootout
Cordero De Donde Eres
DragonForce Ultra Beatdown
Missy Elliott Block Party
The Game LAX
JJ Grey & Mofro Orange Blossoms
Solange Knowles Sol-Angel and The Hadley Street Dreams
Slipknot All Hope Is Gone
29 August Friday
Michael Jackson King Of Pop Compilation album
Wild Sweet Orange We Have Cause to Be Uneasy
Upcoming movies to watch out for: :
August 6, 2008
Pineapple Express
Bottle Shock
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2
August 8, 2008
Beer for My Horses
Hell Ride
August 13, 2008
Tropic Thunder
August 15, 2008
Fly Me to the Moon
Henry Poole is Here
Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Vicky Cristina Barcelona
Video Games - upcoming titles for various consoles :
I hope this post was useful ! I hope now you are ready to synch your iPod and grab your movie tickets and ofcourse ready to shell those extra money for those upcoming games !
Hello humanoids. This is a must for Linux distro Ubuntu users . Hopefully all the users of Ubuntu must be knowing about it : In short Compiz Fusion can make cylinder and sphere deformations effects on your desktop.
Windows users have an alternative though , try Cube desktop but it aint free sadly !
That's why Open Source is so awesome . Without wasting your time and since i possess little knowledge about Open Source i Take you to the Open Source world of Tombuntu who tells you how to update Your Compiz Fusion :
You’ll need to add a new repository that contains recent Compiz packages. Open System->Administration->Software Sources.
Select the Third-Party Software tab and click Add. Paste in the line below and click Add Source. deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/compiz/ubuntu hardy main
Close Software Sources and when prompted, choose to reload the repositories. A number of software updates related to Compiz should become available now; install them using Update Manager. Log out and back in to Ubuntu or restart Compiz manually.
You should now be up-to-date. To take full advantage of the new version of Compiz, you need to configure the new effects from Compiz’s settings manager. If you had it installed previously, Advanced Desktop Effects Settings is now labeled as CompizConfig Settings Manager in the System->Preferences menu.
If it’s not there, install CompizConfig Settings Manager from the package compizconfig-settings-manager (click the link to install), or by running the command below in your terminal: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager Be sure that your visual effects level is set to Custom in System->Preferences->Appearance->Visual Effects as to not override the advanced settings manager.
Want to try the new cylinder and sphere deformations shown in the screenshots? Open CompizConfig Settings Manager and turn on the Desktop Cube, Rotate Cube, and Cube Reflection and Deformation plugins.
In General Options->Desktop Size, set the size to four horizontal. In Cube Reflection and Deformation->Deformation, select cylinder or sphere. Rotate the cube by moving the cursor while holding the left mouse button and pressing Ctrl-Alt.
I hope you can grab this amazing tutorial from Tom . Good luck Linux users and make your desktop 3D with such a great product !
Hello humanoids and a Special hello to fellow console gamers because there is a good news for you . As the pro gamers must be knowing one of the most anticipated games of coming months that is Mortal Kombat vs Dc Universe is coming on November 3 , 2008 . Gamespot rates it as one of the most anticipated game of the 2008 and definitely the graphics looks just so clean and smooth . And the best part is that you can Make your Favorite Dc comic heroes to fight with your Favorite Mortal Kombat heroes ( so much fun , right ? ).
Here are some of the "anti-probable " conversations :
Superman : I am going to kill you with my Laser beams !
Batman : Gosh , forget that , I am still worried about getting tickets for The Dark knight :-(
Leaving jokes or stupidity things aside , MK vs DC universe is going to be Huge when it comes out . I will keep updating you all about the progress , previews and lots more till then enjoy this amazing video from Ign .
Note for dialup users : This is a high resolution video , prepared to face slow video buffering
Tell me your views about this game and yeah will it be as big as the other Mortal Kombat Games ( this is the 8th version ! ) ?
Time will tell , but still you gamers prepare yourself for this game !
Hello Humanoids . Yesterday , i went to my bookmarks list and i found Knol ! Wondering what Knol is ? Knol is the latest Google initiative to be the best source of information .
The best place or source to know about the exact idea behind Knol is Googleblog itself :
The web contains vast amounts of information, but not everything worth knowing is on the web. An enormous amount of informationresides in people's heads: millions of people know useful things and billions more could benefit from that knowledge. Knol will encourage these people to contribute their knowledge online and make it accessible to everyone.
The key principle behind Knol is authorship. Every knol will have an author (or group of authors) who put their name behind their content. It's their knol, their voice, their opinion. We expect that there will be multiple knols on the same subject, and we think that is good.
With Knol, we are introducing a new method for authors to work together that we call "moderated collaboration." With this feature, any reader can make suggested edits to a knol which the author may then choose to accept, reject, or modify before these contributions become visible to the public. This allows authors to accept suggestions from everyone in the world while remaining in control of their content. After all, their name is associated with it!
Knols include strong community tools which allow for many modes of interaction between readers and authors. People can submit comments, rate, or write a review of a knol. At the discretion of the author, a knol may include ads from our AdSense program. If an author chooses to include ads, Google will provide the author with a revenue share from the proceeds of those ad placements.
Before Moving on , all of us need to know what Knol exactly is , Wikipedia Comes to the rescue :)
Knol pages are "meant to be the first thing someone who searches for this topic for the first time will want to read", according to Manber.The term knol, which Google defines as a "unit of knowledge", refers to both the project and an article in the project. Several experts see Knol as Google's attempt to compete with Wikipedia, while others point out the differences between the projects.
Here is how Knol describes itself :
Knol offers:
Ease of use All you need is an account, a name and a desire to write and we'll take care of the rest.
Control You specify the level of collaboration you want with the community. Your knol, your voice.
Community You can connect with other experts in your area of interest to share and grow knowledge.
Visibility We value and promote authorship. Great content will be visible on any search engine.
Growth Sharing your knowledge with the world is rewarding for everyone.
Even if you have a little query all you need to do is to Check out this page : http://knol.google.com/k/knol/knol/Help and you will hopefully get the best replies to your answers :)
As soon as i open the Knol website all i see are : The site logo , the Featured Knol by featured authors and the Plain old bag o' knols which wants you to Use Ctrl + F ( Thank God you have Firefox , Ctrl + F is a mess in Internet explorer ! )
Basically , its been a public Beta since 23,July 2008 which is just three days back and the best part is that there are several articles which haven't been on Knol yet and you can write your own article which means you can have reviewers for your article and if you get great reviews your Knol will be featured on the Front Page !
To publish a Knol , do just three things :
Go to http://knol.googlle.com and Click on Write a Knol ( Login with your Google account )
The moment you click it , you will see a BloggerinDraft style ( Blogger ) Post editor where you can write Title , subtitle , affliation , alternative title and lots more . The best Part is that you can even write a summary so that people can know what's in store for them .
And when you are done , Just publish your Knol and wait for some pleasant reviews !
I totally feel this is a risky move by Google , i dont think anyone can move or remove the throne from Wikipedia , Wiki has a great history behind it while Knol has just arrived . We all have high hopes from every Google Product but this services has to be well organised otherwise there is no use of this site . We expect people to write original and creative articles which aren't on Wikipedia ( which is kinda impossible ) but still there is always something new and unique we can expect from Google .
Hello Humanoids ! I am not a big social networking freak and i dont really enjoy being part of a social networking website ( except myspace ) but yeah i know most of you are on facebook and surely would have been waiting for this to take place . So here is the update at what Facebook website developers just did :
Note : This is a day old , i have scheduled my post to be late as it could have spoiled the fun of my previous post !
" The Wall now surfaces the most recent and relevant information—in the form of posts of stories—about you. We believe that having a constant stream of information, or "feed" is the most effective way to learn about and keep up with friends. Just as News Feed helps you know what is happening in your social circle, you can use the Wall as a way to give your friends the full story of what's happening with you.
A big piece of the Wall is the Publisher, which enables you to publish content—photos, notes, your status, and so on—directly to your Wall. The Publisher works with most applications so that you have one place to go to add content to your own profile or to a friends'.
The profile is very personal; it's important to us that everyone have control over their own profile. Along those lines, once you've published stories or posted content, you can adjust the size to promote the things you care about most, and demote the stories you don't find as interesting.
One of our key goals of this project has always been to make the site simpler and cleaner. The new tabbed profile should help a lot in this respect, breaking your information into tabs by type. The Wall tab displays most recent and relevant information both about you and by you. The Info tab shows information about you that doesn't change frequently. The Photos tab shows photos of you as well as your albums. The Boxes tab features all of your existing application boxes. You're also able to add tabs for your favorite applications.
Keep in mind, nothing with your privacy is changing with this; in fact, the new story formats should offer even greater control over what and how information is shared. We still respect all the same, trusted privacy controls as before. Thanks again for the feedback, and enjoy the new Facebook."
Hello Fellow bloggers Its Another Wallpaper Collection Post !
After the immense success at the Box Office and the success of Batman ( Batman the Dark Knights Just killed Spiderman 3 in terms of first week and first day success at box office , mwahhah.) I decided to do something which only few or the few of " the fews " have thought about . Yeah as the title suggests i decided to collect some wallpapers of Batman : The Dark Knight ( The Movie ) . If you havnt seen the movie , then go watch it right now !
So coming back to wallpapers , these wallpapers consists of some 30 odd wallpapers of the movie with various resolutions and its handpicked by me ! All from the movie .
Click on the download Button the Install the Wallpaper Pack :)
Note - some of the wallpapers must have been repeated which could be a reason of my ignorance or varied resolution :-\
Well Please do tell me how the Collection was !
Inclusions and Exclusion suggestions highly appreciated !
Hello humanoids ! Well i know the topic seems pretty , dull boring and it makes me look like an Apple employee but seriously iPhone and iPhone 3G are totally revolutionary , not many of us could have thought of a phone being molded down to plastic with a touchscreen and maps guiding you ! And the best part is that it is totally affordable .
So instead of wasting time , lets first show you some reviews and few videos :]
Engadget : For our money, you're going to have a hard time finding a better device for two hundred bucks -- or maybe even for any price. But that doesn't mean you ought to toss your original iPhone, either. With the release of iPhone 2.0, Apple's given early adopters every possible new feature for free, meaning the iPhone 3G's biggest roadblock to adoption in the US may be its still very worthy predecessor. But as Steve says, "If anybody is going to cannibalize us, I want it to be us." As for the rest of the world? Things are about to get interesting . Read more here .
Gizmodo : Apple has eliminated so many annoying little hang-ups that you might run into when using the old one. The GPS pinpoints to meters instead of blocks. The 3G connection slashes web loading times by minutes to seconds. The more rounded case feels great in the hand. And most importantly the new software polishes the OS and opens the phone up to nearly unlimited capabilities through the countless programs that are already being written by the brilliant legions of faithful developers. It's kind of cool.Read more here .
Wired : Unlike rest of the heavyweights , Wired decided to upload a perfect video for an iPhone 3G review :]
Hopefully those three heavyweights are enough to tell you how big or how overhyped the iPhone is !
Good news for Apple fanboys and people who are interested in buying an iPhone 3G .
From Apple.com : Apple sells one million iPhone 3Gs in first weekend
July 14, 2008
On Sunday, Apple sold its one millionth iPhone 3G, the company announced today. “iPhone 3G had a stunning opening weekend,” said Steve Jobs, Apple’s CEO. “It took 74 days to sell the first one million original iPhones, so the new iPhone 3G is clearly off to a great start around the world .
^ Good for Apple , right ?
Too much of iPhone for now , i think its time to make you all smile around a little bit and yeah this funny Iphone 3G video is fully of sarcasm . * Some of it is totally true *
Hello humanoids . I am a blogger myself , but i dont blog such frequently but still i am a blogger so i know how much we owe to the person who invented Internet * Me does the Hail Dance * . I have been an internet addict a year back ( Not a serious addict but sitting 6 to 7 hours daily on the Internet does make me a kinda addict fellow ) . I used to be on IRC , i used to make Icons ( which i bet crossed 100,000 mark ) for Rocket Dock , used to make Mirc scripts and i used to be on forums and what not ! * Sigh * But i realized in the end that there is a life besides the virtual life and yeah i restricted myself to 2 hours a day . The main reason was : Studies (!)
But now , I rarely sit on the internet thanks to my studies . I go to school and come back after 6 hours . Then , coaching - 4 hours plus an hour of transport then homework and ofcourse tension and pressure ! That's the main reason why i am not on the internet so often :(
I know tons of people who are pro blogger . Some of them include Jack , Jai , and tons more on BlogCatalog ! And they dont feel shy to admit that they are an internet addict . Well , those successful guys do lots of useful stuffs on the internet . Some of us dont ( ehm..) . And yeah finally , i found a perfect image to conclude my post . This is totally dedicated to the bloggers who try to post as soon as possible and yeah they cant never be Bored of the almighty Internet :}
Are you too a blogger and people shout aloud " STAY AWAY FROM THE INTERNET " , then my friend , this article is surely for you !
Hello everyone , this is the month of superheroes ! First hancock , then hellboy II and of course my all time favourite superhero Batman :)
I am eagerly waiting for The Hellboy movie and the Batman movie , sadly dont know anything about Hancock :( , anyways those who wanna see a very interesting and highly skillfully made . As one of the commenter said on the video " It's a job well done ! " . I completely agree with you .
So here is what's up with the video :
Its the fight ( the video maker joined tons of cutscenes and created this gem ) between Christian Bale's Batman,George Clooney's Batman and Michael Keaton's Batman .
See the video and is video has suprisingly a concluding winner , woohoo !
Hope you all liked this video and found it as interesting as i did !
Greetings Humanoids ! I was just surfing some amazing vimeo videos untill i found this video and did some search on it and finally decided to write about it ! You all must have seen or most probably used Google Earth , due to variety of features and great details Gooogle Earth is undoubtedly the best Map viewer till date . Now coming back to the point , i am talking about the Holographic Google Earth technology .
This technology has been formed by the people at Ubiqwindows which is from the LM3LABS guys . Actually you can know all about them on the website so i don't need to tell you about it , so lets see how Google Earth Blog describes it :
The technology comes from UbiqWindow and lets a computer screen be projected in mid-air. They have devised a touchless way to interact with the "hologram", and Google Earth is a great way to show off its capabilities .
Well i wont do much of the writing and i will just post the video , by the way , there is lot more to come !
So that was the Holographic Google Earth , i didn't know this earlier but now i came to know about it that many people have already written about it but nevermind my article is far better ;)
Here is yet another UbiqWindows Product :
If you all know it or not , the "so called " iPhone Killer the Samsung Omnia SGH i900, is also using UbiqWindows technology !
Here is some interesting information : As written on Catchyoo blog
Samsung deployed interactive booths where people can experiment the amazing interface of their phone. Only Ubiq'window can let people experiment what it is like to use such a next gen interface: dragging icones to launch applications, intuitive keyboard, smart OK, ...
The interactive booth also let user "click" buttons outside the phone screen, to get fast access to Omnia's features like: motion sensor, optical joystick, or 5 mega pixel camera. And people are queuing to experience this. As touch (...and soon touchless) interfaces are to invade our daily product, Ubiq'window is a unique solution to let customers experiment in large size.
The project was driven by LM3LABS' distributor iM3 Asia in Singapore .
To be honest , i shouldn't write more about this as you can find the Samsung iPhone killer information everywhere so its of no use ;(
So here were two of the most prominent uses of Ubiqwindows , but i really found a bigger , better and revolutionary technology called " Airstrike" - Another Revolutionary Idea by LM3LABS and i will Hopefully write about it in coming days ( or maybe weeks ) . Airstrike will surely surprise you to the limits !
I hope you enjoyed this article , comments and critics appreciated ;)
Hello fellow readers , i really felt that after missing this post for the month of june , i should write about the "few things to watch out for " post this month , and like always i am posting all the things ( not like always ;) that should be watched out for in the month of July in - Music , Movies and Video games , ah cmon , i can't always stick to "technology" and "internet" !
So here is the complete list :
Music related upcoming songs or albums : 1 July Tuesday
Alkaline Trio - Agony and Irony
G-Unit - T.O.S. (Terminate on Sight)
Nas - [Title TBA]
Night Ranger - Hole in the Sun
8 July Tuesday
Age of Rockets - Hannah
The Game - L.A.X.
Albert Hammond Jr. of The Strokes - Como Te Llama?
The Melvins - Nude With Boots
Motley Crue - The Dirt
Ron Sexsmith - Exit Strategy of the Soul
Sunny Day Sets Fire - Summer Palace
Totimoshi - Milagrosa
Patti Smith - The Coral Sea Live CD with Kevin Shields